Pedagogic Communication for Effective Learning
Webinar collaborating with course, HMMMP, and alumni using theme “Pedagogic Communication for Effective Learning” was performed online via ZOOM meeting and YouTube on Wednesday, 21st October 2020.
Dr. Fitri Nur Mahmudah, M.Pd., as MP Graduate Student Lecturer of UAD (Universitas Ahmad Dahlan) guided the Webinar. This #1 series invited informant named Rahmat Nasir, M.Pd., as current Course Leader of PGSD STKIP Muhammadiyah Kalabahi NTT, alumnus of 2016 and Daswati R. Sajidah, M.Pd., as current Principal of Junior High School of Muhammadiyah 1 of Prambanan, Sleman, the alumnus of 2018.
In this pandemic era, the selected theme and informants are appropriate. Informants as actors/practitioners are on how to communicate in order that learning is effective. What the university and school do become materials to share to the Webinar participants.
120 participants joined this activity via ZOOM and YouTube. In hope, this Webinar more really indicates that S2 alumni of Teaching Management of UAD (Universitas Ahmad Dahlan) take actions and steps for this country.