
To become a Graduate Program in Educational Management that has a comparative advantage in the field of educational management, internationally recognized and imbued with Islamic values.


  • Preparing educational leaders who are moral, professional, and innovative.
  • Improving the performance of a complete and correct education system.
  • Conducting teaching, research, publications, and community service in the field of Educational Management to advance educational praxis.
  • Building a network of educational improvement at national and international levels that are imbued with Islamic values.
  • Building and developing an innovative educational information system.
  • Empowering educational institutions and organizations.


  • Developing moral and professional HR competencies in the field of educational management who are able to:
  1. Have a noble and professional character of educational leadership.
  2. Develop professional performance in educational management identified by the sharpness of analysis and problem-solving in education through a comprehensive review and utilize best practices in educational management.
  • Develop educational management based on values, culture, civilization, and Islamic institutional systems that are able to:
  1. Develop and update the integration of religion, science, technology, and culture by mastering and understanding approaches, methods, and scientific principles, along with the application skills in implementing educational management.
  2. Solve educational problems using educational skills and management through research and development activities based on scientific principles.

Developed Competencies and Skills:

  • Ability to work as academic staff, researchers, professionals.
  • Ability to analyze problems of the developing educational and learning management in education.
  • Ability to contribute in finding solutions and efforts to develop effective educational management concepts, theories, and methodologies.
  • Ability to communicate scientifically on science and ideas for effective managerial activities as a result of the carried out studies and research.
  • Ability to build a network to improve the quality of education.


  1. Educational leaders with creativity and integrity
  2. Researcher in the field of educational management
  3. Innovative educational developer

Campus 2

Department of Educational Management
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Jl. Pramuka No.42, Pandeyan, Kec. Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55161
Telepon : (0274) 563515, 511830, 379418, 371120 Ext. 2123
Faximille : 0274-564604
Email :

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Department of Educational Management

Telp. (0274) 563515 ext 2123
+62 858-5550-9260