Teacher leadership
"The message of the Constitution is to educate the life of the nation. Hence, all citizens of Indonesia…

Effective Learning Strategies in Pandemic Times
"Teaching does not only convey KNOWLEDGE but also FEELINGS/emotions."
— Joko Kiswanto —

Graduation in March
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan held virtual graduation on March 27, 2021, via Zoom and YouTube. The ceremony…

“Each Leader is Educator and Each Educator is Leader”
-Anies Baswedan-
According to Anies Baswedan,…

Trengginas Facing Smart Society 5.0
"The development of technology in the 4.0 era with the emergence of artificial intelligence has caused…

A New Paradigm of Education: Local and Global Perspective
Saturday (11/21/2020) at ADI TV studio, Master of Education Management Universitas Ahmad Dahlan held…