Effective Learning Strategies in Pandemic Times
"Teaching does not only convey KNOWLEDGE but also FEELINGS/emotions."
— Joko Kiswanto —

Graduation in March
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan held virtual graduation on March 27, 2021, via Zoom and YouTube. The ceremony…

“Each Leader is Educator and Each Educator is Leader”
-Anies Baswedan-
According to Anies Baswedan,…

Trengginas Facing Smart Society 5.0
"The development of technology in the 4.0 era with the emergence of artificial intelligence has caused…

A New Paradigm of Education: Local and Global Perspective
Saturday (11/21/2020) at ADI TV studio, Master of Education Management Universitas Ahmad Dahlan held…

Pedagogic Communication for Effective Learning
Webinar collaborating with course, HMMMP, and alumni using theme “Pedagogic Communication for Effective…