Post Pandemic Education Management in Facing The Smart Society 5.0
The Master of Education Management Study Program (S2 MP UAD) held the 3rd International Conference on…

Master of Education Management Student Becomes International Seminar Moderator
In implementing the 3rd ICELI 2021, the Master of Education Management (S2 MP UAD) study program involved…

How to Be a Great Teacher
The Postgraduate Pedagogy Masters Study Program at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang held a Guest…

Lecturers and Students become Promapi Management
The role and existence of lecturers in education are limited to teaching on campus. Tri dharma college…

Prime Services for Educators and Teachers
Locating in Junior High School of Muhammadiyah 9 of Yogyakarta (28/5/2021), students of Teaching Management…

Teacher leadership
"The message of the Constitution is to educate the life of the nation. Hence, all citizens of Indonesia…