Articles Accepted on Scopus Q1
After a lengthy review process, the article titled "Progressive Islamic Education: Bridging the Gap of…

Writing Quality of Research Data Analysis
As part of promoting study programs and assisting students in writing theses, the Master of Education…

The Paradigm Change of a Teacher
After previously presenting school principals from Berau Regency, on this occasion, a teacher from Jayapura…

Tuition fee 50%
Continuing education to the Master's (S2) is one of the things a must. The opportunity to continue higher…

Similarities Between Schools and Hospitals
In learning, students Master Education Management (S2 MP UAD) don't only get a theory. The existence…

MP UAD Student Becomes Best Presenter of 3rd ICELI 2021
"Alhamdulillah, The first time being an ICELI presenter was very exciting and stressful because you were…