The Paradigm Change of a Teacher
After previously presenting school principals from Berau Regency, on this occasion, a teacher from Jayapura…

Tuition fee 50%
Continuing education to the Master's (S2) is one of the things a must. The opportunity to continue higher…

Similarities Between Schools and Hospitals
In learning, students Master Education Management (S2 MP UAD) don't only get a theory. The existence…

MP UAD Student Becomes Best Presenter of 3rd ICELI 2021
"Alhamdulillah, The first time being an ICELI presenter was very exciting and stressful because you were…

Post Pandemic Education Management in Facing The Smart Society 5.0
The Master of Education Management Study Program (S2 MP UAD) held the 3rd International Conference on…

Master of Education Management Student Becomes International Seminar Moderator
In implementing the 3rd ICELI 2021, the Master of Education Management (S2 MP UAD) study program involved…