- Graduated from accredited educational and non-educational undergraduate and non-educational degrees, from public and private universities.
- Prospective students from Bachelor of Education, Non-Educational Bachelors, or prospective students with GPA < 2.75 following the matriculation of 4 credits.
- Odd Semester: April 2021 to September 2021
- Even Semester: November 2021 to March 2022
Time: Even Semester of Academic Year 2021/2021
Selection: Based on the Assessment of Registration Documents (Academic Achievement and Portfolio), No Written Test
Place: Central Office of the Graduate Program in Educational Management, UAD Campus II, Jalan Pramuka No. 42 Sidikan, Yogyakarta
Classes start on March 14, 2022
Thursday – Saturday: 12.30 p.m – 6.00 p.m.
- Odd Semester: October 2021-February 2022
- Even Semester : March 2022 – July 2022
Place: Campus II UAD, Jalan Pramuka No. 42 Sidikan, Yogyakarta
- Registration Fee: Rp500,000.00
- Tuition (SPP) Rp7,200,000.00* (paid per semester), Semester 4 Rp3,600,000.00
- Institutional development fee Rp3,000,000.00** (paid per semester Rp1,000,000.00)
- Jacket and Orientation Program 000,00 (paid at the first registration).
- Matriculation fee of Rp1,000,000.00*** (for those who are declared accepted by matriculation).
- *) 50% tuition discount for those who work in Muhammadiyah Business Charity (Amal Usaha Muhammadiyah or AUM)
- **) Free of institutional development fee for UAD alumni
- ***) Only valid for those who are accepted by matriculation
- Place of Registration: Campus II UAD, Jalan Pramuka No. 42 Sidikan, Yogyakarta 55161, DIY
- Registration Fee: Rp500,000.00
- Contact person : Risty Kurniasih / WhatsApp Number 0858 5550 9260
- Registration form and procedures at http://pmb-online.uad.ac.id/
- Registration flow CLICK HERE
- Download the Registration Form File CLICK HERE
- Statement Letter of New Student Admission CLICK HERE
- Poster of New Student Admission in even semester Academic Year 2021/2022 CLICK HERE
- Scholarship CLICK HERE
- UAD New Student Admission Guide CLICK HERE
- Announcement of New Student Admissions at uad.id on the Selection Results menu
UAD REGISTRATION fee can only be paid through Bank BPD DIY in the Yogyakarta area or BRI, Mandiri Syariah, BNI Syariah, and Bukopin Syariah on UAD Campus and throughout Indonesia by simply showing the Registration Number.
If a prospective UAD student receives a call from anyone on behalf of the UAD PMB Officer/Committee asking to register or pay by sending/transferring money to a bank account number in their name, PLEASE IGNORE IT.
Prospective students are expected to be CAUTIOUS and CAREFUL.
Registration Flow of the Master’s Degree Program
- Fill the Online Registration Form
Fill the registration form by:
- Accessing pmb-online.uad.ac.id/
- Create a registration account
- Log in with the account
- Select the registration form based on the desired registration path
- Fill in the required data on the form according to the data on the registrant
- Pay the Registration Fee & Upload File
- Pay the Registration Fee
Payment of registration fee to the destination account number is made using the registration number.
- Upload File
The file to be uploaded consists of a registration and verification file. This file is in the form of a scanned file or photo of the original file/photocopy that is legalized and saved in PDF or JPG format.
The file to be uploaded consists of a registration and verification file. This file is in the form of a scanned file or photo of the original file/photocopy that is legalized in PDF or JPG format.
The verification process is carried out within 2-3 working days
Registration File & Verification
- Coloured Passport photo
- Family card
- Bachelor’s Certificate
- Transcripts
- TOEFL Certificate
- Certificate of Physical Fitness and Pass the Color Blind Test
- Portfolio*
- Receipt of registration payment
- Portfolio file sent to the email pmbpasca@uad.ac.id with subject: Daftar + Registration path + Registration Number + Name + Study Program. Example: Daftar + Pasca Ekonomi + 212911012 + Arifasani + Manajemen*
- Selection Process
Selection Process:
- The selection process is carried out according to the type of selection
- The type of selection consists of administrative selection and test selection, depending on the choice of the study program
- The time of selection and announcement of the selection results are determined by the staff of each study program
- Registration and Confirmation
Registration for those who pass and are accepted is carried out by:
- Paying the registration fee based on the nominal amount in the announcement of the selection results before the deadline stated on the selection results.
- Uploading registration file
- Confirming Registration
Send a photo of receipt of registration payment to email pmbpasca@uad.ac.id with subject: Daftar + Registration path + Registration Number + Name + Study Program
Example: Daftar + Pasca Ekonomi + 212911012 + Arifasani + Manajemen*
- Printing the proof of registration through the registration page or taking it directly from the staff of each study program
- Following Orientation