Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Notified to lecturers and students of Master of Education Management, for correspondence purposes, please fill out the form below according to the type of letter required. Letters are made within 3-4 days from filling out the form. First, read the explanation of the types of letters before filling out the online correspondence submission form so that the process of making your letter does not occur in error.


  1. Letter of active study. This letter is used for Allowances, BPJS Extensions, or related to the needs of parents who are civil servants or retirees.
  2. Ordinary Certificate. This letter is used for personal purposes. For example: applying for scholarships outside UAD, a certificate to participate in TBQ, making ATMs, and so on.
  3. Pass Certificate. This letter is used for students who have graduated from making a brief graduation statement before the diploma is issued. Certificate of Graduation serves as a temporary letter instead of a diploma.
  4. Research Observation Letter. This letter is used for student observation. For example, observation for research.
  5. Research Letter. This letter is used to research where the research is carried out.
  6. Subject Observation Letter. This letter is used for students to make observations or surveys to fulfill course assignments.
  7. Application for Place Use Permit. This letter is used specifically for students who borrow laboratories and so on outside the Faculty or Other Agencies.
  8. Application for Visit Permit. This letter is used specifically for students who will make visits to laboratories, museums, or other places.
  9. Request for Acknowledgments This letter expresses gratitude after carrying out a visit.
  10. Application to Become an Expert in Research. This letter is used specifically for students who will ask a Lecturer/Teacher to become an Expert in validating material, media, or research questionnaires
  11. Certificate of Proof of Publication of Scientific Articles. This letter is used to obtain proof of publication of scientific articles as a prerequisite for graduation.
  12. Application Letter for Lecturer Assignment is used by lecturers to submit assignments for official purposes.
  13. Evidence of Lecturer Activities is used by lecturers to report on the implementation of the results of the activities.
  14. PRODAMAT registration is used by students who will carry out PRODAMAT
  15. The application for a Guidance Card is used to obtain a thesis guidance card.


Wa’alaikumsalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh


Campus 2

Department of Educational Management
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Jl. Pramuka No.42, Pandeyan, Kec. Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55161
Telepon : (0274) 563515, 511830, 379418, 371120 Ext. 2123
Faximille : 0274-564604
Email :

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Department of Educational Management

Telp. (0274) 563515 ext 2123
+62 858-5550-9260